Sunday, 29 September 2013

Letter to You

Greetings, Fair Sun-Junkies!

First of all, please accept my humble apologies for sorely neglecting my blog for these past couple of months.  By way of an excuse, I can only offer that (being a dedicated Sun Junkie) I was out enjoying the uncharacteristically good summer weather in the North West of England.  Rest assured that there are many tales of adventure and just plain audacity to be told (for example, of the time that we slept in a cow field and your humble author almost had her hand bitten off by livestock!)  But those are for future entries.   Suffice it to say that I hope you all had as great a time, and if you had any close shaves, feel free to post about them and try to outdo me! 

As we come further into autumn, I'm preparing for my course in Naturopathic Medicine at CNM.  This will be a 4-year oddysey, in which I will learn much and emerge a licensed practitioner of drugless medicine.  This is an area which is has been largely explored, yet the benefits largely ignored by modern medicine.  During the years to come, I shall likely write much about what we are taught, and encourage all questions and challenges you may wish to pose before me, should you wish to throw down the gauntlet.  Your feedback will be an asset to everyone.

In the meantime, let me bid you a most fond adieu, with the promise that photos of the newly revamped Chez Nous will be online soon, as there have been recent improvements to the Vatican-inspired paint job of last July.